qcircuits.tensors module

class qcircuits.tensors.Tensor(tensor)

Bases: object

A container class for a tensor representing either a state vector or an operator, with methods for common functionality of both State and Operator.

Parameters:tensor (numpy complex128 multidimensional array) – The tensor representing either a quantum state or an operator on the vector space for a quantum state.

Get the rank of the tensor. For d qubit systems, a State will have rank d, while an Operator with have rank 2d

Returns:The tensor rank.
Return type:int

Get the shape of the tensor. For d qubit systems, a State will have shape [2] \(\times d\), while an Operator will have shape [2] \(\times 2d\).

Returns:The tensor shape.
Return type:int

Return the State or Operator given by the tensor product of this object with itself n times. Can also be called with the infix ** operator, i.e., A**n.

Parameters:n (int) – The number of times to take the tensor product of this object with itself.
Returns:If this object has tensor A, returns \(A^{\otimes n}\).
Return type:State or Operator (depends on this object type)

Return the State or Operator given by the tensor product of this object with another State or Operator. Can also be called with the infix * operator, i.e., A * B.

Parameters:arg (State) – The State or Operator with which to take the tensor product.
Returns:If this object has tensor A, and argument has tensor B, returns \(A\otimes B\).
Return type:State or Operator (depends on argument type)